Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Dark Side?????

Taylor recently acquired the STAR WARS LIFE: A JEDI'S PATH. You remember the game of LIFE, well, this is the Star Wars version. For those of you that know our little jedi, you can imagine how excited he was when the Ebay package arrived! Of course on our first game thru, Mike defected to the Dark Side while taylor and I remained pure! In the end, Mike was defeated and Taylor became a Jedi Knight. Here, he plays the game again with his friend Jonathan. (and, uh no, the pink room and dollhouse are not his!)

A song in her heart

KC has been writing out lyrics to new songs that God has put in her heart. The other day she picked up Mike's guitar and began to play around with finding some music to go with her lyrics. It's fun to watch her...always creating...always expressing...we love it!

A day with friends

Eileen headed out last week to Hawthorne hallow, a nature sanctuary near our house. She went with her friend Lindsay and her two adorable little boys, Jackson and Emerson. While Eileen managed to evade the camera (unintentionally) here are some shots of Linds and Jack.

New pic!

KC and her friend Hannah

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Sand Angels

The calm before the storm...I mean, fun!

Sand angels??? Why not!

KC and her friend- silly as ever!

Welcome Friends and Family

We just wanted to start a blog where we can keep you updated with family photos and "stuff". Hope you enjoy it! We still have our ministry blog as well, but this one is especially dedicated to just celebrating the family and every day blessings! Be sure to comment- we have it set so you don't have to have a blog of your own. Enjoy:)