Outside projects
Well, I've been working hard outside to spruce up the place. And of course, I'm not alone, everyone has been pitching in too. KC and I managed to completely clean out the garage. Mike re-seeded the backyard AGAIN and we finally have grass where the old mud form under the swimming pool was. KC arranged the patio chairs and table and stepping stones. Taylor sweeps up and helps with the lawn and garbage and I have been weeding and trimming bushes.
I should have taken before photos- but the afters are just as satisfying to me. Of course I'm not done yet- I still have some weeding to do and alos want to paint some things, make some things and put out some flowers!
But here's where we are at so far.
Still need to weed this part obviously! (but it was the closest to a "before" picture as I could get)
your house...your lawn...your garage...yeah...way cool! good job, everybody!
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